Use either the first well of each row or column as a reference for the rest of the row or column.
To use this function the growth plate should be set up to have reference wells be the first well in the row or column (shown in yellow).
After the experiment has been completed, open the data file as described in the topic Open and View Data from the Database (DB) or File Server.
NOTE: separate analysis sets are stored in the DB for each Multi_Refs (1) setting when saved to the DB using DB Export (2). This is important when developing DB queries that require data analysis and retrieval of large, multi-plate studies. The reference type (ie Multi_Refs) and chosen reference wells can be set in a custom growth protocol to have automatic selection and analysis for multi-plate experiment projects (see section Barcoded pipeline for experiments ).
Set Multi_Refs to:
1. by_row_6; to use A01 as a reference for A02-A06 and A07 as a reference for A08-A12
2. by_row_12; to use A01 as a reference for wells A02-A12
3. by_col_8; to use A01 as a reference for wells B01,C01, D01, E01, F01, G01 and H01
Set wells A01, B01, C01, D01 etc. as reference wells by clicking on the r button (1-4)
NOTE: each row will have a different colour reference curve as shown above.
In addition to the A01, B01-H01 reference wells, click r for A07, B07, C07, D07 (1-4)
Select the first well in each column as references (1-6)
NOTE: the last selected well (in this case A06) is used as a reference for the rest of the plate, which is why a refence well must be selected for each row or column. Alternatively this feature can be, for example, to select the reference well every third column (i.e. select A01 as a reference for the columns 1,2 and 3 and A04 for the columns 4,5 and 6)
More selection control is available in the use_set_refs option (see topic Custom Multiple References)