Set a well as reference for all other wells in the growth plate, either before or after the experiment is completed
In the Config_Growth_Protocol:
In the Run_Details (1) go to the Additional Options tab (2) and set the reference well (3) to desired well name e.g. A01... H12
Go to the Plate_View interface (see topic: Open and view data from the database (DB) or file server)
1. Well A1 is set as the reference (r button is highlighted green), unclick the r button to change
2. Set to single_ref
NOTE: you can select several reference wells at one time. For "single_ref" only the first reference well encountered is used as the reference well in the data analysis.
To select a new reference well (in this example B02) click the r button (1), all related growth metrics such as ratio_average G are automatically recalculated
1. To save the reanalyzed data click on DB Export
2. If you wish to save several different reference sets, change the Analysis_Set with each change (ie reference well A01, set A, refence well H12, set B etc), only use this option if there is a need to save multiple analyses of the same data
3. Click Done to exit Plate_View
NOTE: When performing global analysis of data with multiple Analysis_Sets, the data collation methods need take into account that there will be more than one analysis set stored in the Database so that the correct data analysis is retrieved.