Genome-wide Screen in S. Cerevisiae

Web supplement to
"Gene annotation and drug target discovery in C. albicans with a tagged transposon mutant collection "

Julia Oh, Eula Fung, Ulrich Schlecht, Ronald W. Davis, Guri Giaever, Robert P. St.Onge, Adam Deutschbauer, Corey Nislow


Figure S4: Confirmation of haploinsufficient phenotype with GRACE strains.

(A) The 17 “core” strains were monitored for growth over 20 population doublings in a microplate reader in triplicate, with representative curves shown. Every 5 generations, cells were robotically transferred to a well containing fresh media. Growth data from the 2nd (~10 generations), 3rd (~15 generations), or 4th (~20 generations) transfers was plotted against time (for some mutants, 15 or 20 generation growth data was not available). In all plots, black represents wild-type BWP17; each plot represents the mutants grown in a single plate with its own wild-type control. All curves were grown in selective SC media.

(B) The 12 GRACE strains [8] were grown in selective SC media over ~10-15 generations of growth. In (C), these mutants were grown in the presence of 100 mM doxycycline. In (D), the mean of triplicate AvgGs as percentage of wild-type growth were calculated for each curve. As growth curves in (A) were performed via robotic transfer, we were unable to calculate AvgGs for these curves. 



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