GMAP Microarray

Web supplement to
"A comprehensive platform for highly multiplexed mammalian functional genetic screens"

Troy Ketela, Lawrence E Heisler, Kevin R Brown, Ron Ammar, Dahlia Kasimer, Anuradha Surendra, Elke Ericsson, Kim Blakely, Dina Karamboulas, Andrew W Smith, Tanja Durbic, Anthony Arnoldo, Kahlin Cheung-Ong, Judice LY Koh, Shuba Gopal, Glenn S Cowley, Xiaoping Yang, Jennifer K Grenier, Guri Giaever, David E Root, Jason Moffat and Corey Nislow

BMC Genomics

GMAP Signal Extraction

Signal from the GMAP microarray can be extracted using the Affymetrix Power Tool collection. This is a collection of command line tools for working with files generated from affymetrix files. These tools are freely available through affymetrix, although registration of a user account is required.

The syntax in the examples below works with version APT 1.12.0

The data files from which to extract are the cel files generated by the affymetrix instrument software (AGCC, GCOS). Several additional library files, specific to the GMAP chip are also necessary and can be downloaded here. The main library file is available in two formats

i) CDF file

ii) CLF / PGF files (both needed)

In addition, we have generated from the pgf file a series of probe files to allow extraction of specific subsets of signal from the arrays. This also includes files for the GCbin background probes that can be used for assessment/removal of background signal from the 22-mer or 25-mer probes.

Probe Subset Description of Subset File
hairpin probes 22mers, 3X replication GMAP-Uts520601_hp.probes
hairpin control probes (22mers, 33X replication) GMAP-Uts520601_hpControls.probes
hairpin spike-in probes 22mers, 25X replication GMAP-Uts520601_hpSpikeIn.probes
all 22mer hairpin probes probes, control probes and spike-in probes GMAP-Uts520601_hp22.probes
hairpin TMM set 17-25mers, derived from hairpin 22mers GMAP-Uts520601_hpTMM.probes
human ORFeome probes 25mers, organized into probesets with 1-8 probes per human ORF GMAP-Uts520601_hORFeome.probes
human HuGene probes 25mers, organized into probesets of 1-3 probes per human ORF, derived from the affymetrix HuGene 1.0 array GMAP-Uts520601_hugene.probes
yeast ORFeome probes 25mers, organized into probeset of 2 probes per yeast ORF GMAP_Uts520601_hipyorf.probes
barcodes 20mer DNA barcode (including all barcodes on the Tag4 array, used in the Yeast Deletion Collection) GMAP-Uts520601_barcode.probes
GcBin 22mers 22mer GcBin background probes GMAP-Uts520601_GcBin22.probes
GcBin 25mers 25mer GcBin background probes GMAP-Uts520601_GcBin25.probes
Affymetrix Controls Standard Affymetrix controls GMAP-Uts520601_control.probes
All probe files All of the above probefiles, zipped into a single file


Below are some examples of commands that can be run using apt to extract signal in various ways. Cel files are processed in batches and results are written to a single file, with the data from each celfile in a separate column. The cel files to be processed need to be explicitly indicated in a text file. The first line of the text file should be cel_files, then one line for each file to be processed.


path is the directory path to the celfile. It is best to use absolute paths (eg, C:/mycelfiles/)

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