Web supplement to
"Yeast Barcoders: Application of a universal donor strain collection carrying unique barcode identifiers"

Zhun Yan ,Michael Costanzo, Lawrence E Heisler, Jadine Paw, Fiona Kaper, Brenda Andrews, Charles Boone, Guri Giaever and Corey Nislow

Nature Methods 2008 Aug;5(8):719-725

S-table 1, Barcode Primers Excel File
S-table 2, Barcode Signal Intensities Excel File
S-table 3, Growth Data Excel File
S-table 4 , Finess Comparison Excel File
S-table 5 , DAmP Profile Excel File


Inquiries can be addressed to guri.giaever@utoronto.ca OR corey.nislow@utoronto.ca