BarSeq Analysis

Web supplement to
"BarSeq : Identification and Counting of Short Molecular Barcodes in HT-Seq data"

Supplementary Files

The barseq analysis is available as either There are small differences in the two approaches. The current implementation is as a binary. The perl script is still being made available but will eventually be removed.

File Title Description
barseq_ubuntu12 Binary, Linux Compiled under Ubuntu Linux 12
barseq_OSX_10.5 Binary, OSX Compiled under OSX 10.5
barseq_win7.exe Binary, Windows Compiled under Windows 7 Binary, C Source Files for compilation under other OS Perl Scripts : main barseq analysis script; : perl module with required functions
HET Pool Barcodes Barcode file, for the HET Pool The Collection of Barcodes for the Heterozygous Yeast Deletion Pool. This dataset contains sequences for both the uptag and downtag barcodes. Sequences identifiers are the Yeast Deletion strain and the associated tag position (up/dn). Sequence orientation matches the expected sequences generated based on the protocol used.
het_test_qseq.txt Sample input file, qseq format Illumina qseq file generate from ht-seq of a sample containing strains in the Heterozygous Yeast Deletion Pool
Sample output files Sample Output Files Files generated along each step along the pipeline
qseq/fastq -> readcounts -> clusters -> map -> mappedbarcodes



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