Bucket Evaluations

Web supplement to
"An algorithm for chemical genomic profiling that minimizes batch effects: Bucket Evaluations"

Daniel Shabtai, Guri Giaever and Corey Nislow

Supplementary Datasets

Dataset Title Description
Dataset S1 Sample Input Dataset (Input File Example) An example dataset of an input file for using the software (12 experiments, 6003 genes)
Dataset S2 Sample Output Stringent (Output File Example Stringent) The file produced when running the sample input, comparing the columns (experiments) using stringent pre-set values
Dataset S3 Sample Output Intermediate (Output File Example Intermediate) The file produced when running the sample input, comparing the columns (experiments) using intermediate pre-set values
Dataset S4 Sample Output Broad (Output File Example Broad) The file produced when running the sample input, comparing the columns (experiments) using broad pre-set values
Dataset S5 Scoring Matrix Example An Excel file which implements the scoring matrix formula (Table 1), and shows how each score is calculated (see formula bar of each cell)



Bucket EvaluationsInquiries can be addressed to guri.giaever@utoronto.ca OR corey.nislow@utoronto.ca