Please note:
This is a private database used by the consortium members.
All pertinent information that is entered will be publicly released with
the strain.

(consortium members only -- for notes about the database, click
(consortium members only -- no longer used as the project has ended)

Info for consortium members:
Older links specific to the project are listed below for reference:
Freezedown Guidelines
FEDEX Protocol

The database has the following updatable
- two free-form notes fields -- one private and one public: private
notes should include information useful only for members of the consortium,
public notes should include information useful for future users of
the strain
- deletion generated: yes, no (reason unknown), no (PCR or
oligo synthesis failure), no (poor choice of primer or open reading
frame) and no (gene essential). By checking this field, we will be
able to determine which primers should be remade in the future, or
- strain -- Strains having record numbers of less than 10,000
should be in the mat a strain (BY4741), 10,000-19,999 in mat alpha
(BY4742), 20,000-29,999 in the heterozygous diploid (BY4743) and 30,000-39,999
in the homozygous diploid. Labs who have made deletions in the earlier
strains (BY4730 or BY4739) can change this field accordingly.
- method used in the construction This field is necessary because
in some cases strains may be obtained by sporulation, and in some
cases, by direct transformation.
- estimated PCR success
- number of colonies
- PCR results for AKanB, AB, KanCD, CD, AD primer pairs for wild-type
and candidate deletion strains
- which isolates are being saved
- whether deletion construct has been cloned
- date shipped to Research Genetics

Email amchu@cmgm.stanford.edu or call Angela or Grace at 650 723-7310
if you can't access this site. If neither one of us is in, ask whoever
answers the phone to check the computer. We will reboot the computer if
necessary. If you perform a search and can't get results, it could mean
that the database is offline.
Please send comments, or suggestions to amchu@cmgm.stanford.edu

last updated January 18, 2002