Web supplement to
"Off-target Effects of Psychoactive Drugs Revealed by Genome-wide Assays in Yeast"

Elke Ericson, Marinella Gebbia, Lawrence E Heisler, Jan Wildenhain, Mike Tyers, Guri Giaever, Corey Nislow

PLoS Genetics 2008 Aug8;4(8):e1000151

Supplementary Tables

Table S1 Drugs used in genome-wide fitness profiles. Catalogue number (Tocris), solvent, highest drug concentration tested in wildtype yeast, drug concentration used, and brand names for FDA-approved drugs.
Table S2 Fitness ratios for indicated compounds for all deletion strains with intensity values above background.
Table S3 Z-scores for the indicated compounds for all deletion strains with intensity values above background.
Table S4 Strains scored as significantly sensitive with at least one dopaminergic or one serotonergic drug. For each strain, the number of dopaminergic and serotonergic drugs that caused significant depletion in the pool is shown (r>2, z>3). Strains scored in both drug classes are indicated with “1”.
Table S5 Significantly enriched (p<0.0001) GO Processes in genome-wide fitness profiles.
Table S6 Sub-grouping of the enriched GO categories.

Inquiries can be addressed to elke.ericson@utoronto.ca