ORF Brief ID Functional Catergories Previous deletion Potential overlap with another gene Distance to nearest upstream ORF (bp) Distance to nearest downstream ORF (bp) Cell Cycle Transcriptional Regulation Cell cycle transcription profile Relative transcript abundance (exon1) Relative transcript abundance (exon2) Yeart ORF with highest degree of similarity Similar gene name Smith-Waterman probability Smith-Waterman Score Notes YAL001C RNA polymerase transcription initiation factor TFIIIC transcription; cellular organization lethal No 1091 63 Yes S 8 140.6666667 YDR243C TFC3 4.35E-02 118 YAL003W translation elongation factor eEF1beta protein synthesis; cellular organization lethal No 840 767 No 1078.222222 3109.222222 YJL115W TEF5 8.07E-02 105 YAL025C nuclear viral propagation protein "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 420 528 No 610.8888889 YKL172W MAK16 5.40E-07 171 YAL032C similarity to S.pombe hypothetical protein SPAC8A4.06 unclassified proteins lethal No 275 108 No 92.11111111 YAL033W protein of unknown function transcription; cellular organization lethal No 108 605 No 407.5555556 YAL034W-a hypothetical protein no data Yes 123 -124 Yes S 98.44444444 YAL034W 5.90E-140 1799 YAL035C-A no data Yes -124 54 No 53.33333333 YAL035C 5.20E-54 741 exclude YAL038W pyruvate kinase energy; metabolism; cellular organization lethal No 732 2261 No 2693.222222 YOR347C PYK1 8.60E-188 2388 YAL041W cell division control protein "signal transduction; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 374 277 No 279.4444444 YGR070W CDC24 9.40E-08 186 YAL043C pre-tRNA processing protein transcription lethal No 179 212 No 222.8888889 YKR092C PTA1 1.32E-04 147 YAL069W similarity to lamins cellular organization no data No 1158 335 Yes no detectable signal 12.11111111 YAR007C DNA replication factor-A protein 1 "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 346 469 Yes late G1 376.1111111 YAR008W protein of unknown function transcription; cellular organization lethal No 804 346 Yes S 296.1111111 YPL216W FUN4 7.18E-04 132 YAR019C protein kinase of the MAP kinase kinase kinase family "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis " lethal No 1721 511 No 94.44444444 YJL095W CDC15 1.80E-38 563 YBR190W questionable ORF unclassified proteins no data Yes -7 458 No very low expression 38.22222222 YBR192W mitochondrial carrier protein (MCF) intracellular transport; transport facilitation; energy; cellular organization viable No 297 512 No 341 YEL006W RIM2 5.00E-33 491 "Previous knockouts grow slowly on glucose (Van Dyck, E., Jank, B., Ragnini, A., Schweyen, R. J., Duyckaerts, C., Sluse, F., and Foury, F. Overexpression of a novel member of the mitochondrial carrier family rescues defects in both DNA and RNA metabolism in yeast mitochondria. Mol Gen Genet 246, 426-36 (1995))." YBR193C hypothetical protein transcription; cellular organization lethal No 285 297 No 158.1111111 YBR196C glucose-6-phosphate isomerase energy; metabolism; cellular organization viable No 1303 354 No 1713.444444 "Gene is required for sporulation. May only be essential on glucose media (Corominas, J., Clotet, J., Fernandez-Banares, I., Boles, E., Zimmermann, F. K., Guinovart, J. J., and Arino, J. Glycogen metabolism in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae phosphoglucose isomerase (pgil) disruption mutant. FEBS Lett 310, 182-6 (1992))." YBR198C " TFIID subunit (TBP-associated factor), 90 kD" transcription; cellular organization lethal No 386 271 No 244.2222222 YPR178W TAF90 2.00E-25 402 YBR202W cell division control protein "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 859 1560 Yes early G1 349.6666667 YPR019W CDC47 1.00E-86 1153 YBR211C actin related protein "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 754 180 No 99.22222222 YEL043W ARP100 1.41E-02 117 YBR234C hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 309 769 No 384.7777778 YOL138C 1.54E-04 142 YBR236C methyltransferase transcription; cellular organization lethal No 276 120 No 288.7777778 YML008C ABD1 1.92E-02 117 YBR237W pre-mRNA processing RNA-helicase protein destination; transcription; cellular organization no data No 589 276 No 67.88888889 YNL112W PRP5 1.20E-69 944 YBR243C UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate transferase "protein destination; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; metabolism; cellular organization " lethal No 735 61 No 150.4444444 YBR247C N-glycosylation protein protein destination; cellular organization lethal No 352 250 No 402.1111111 YLR106C ENP1 2.07E-04 142 YBR252W " dUTP pyrophosphatase precursor, mitochondrial" metabolism lethal No 216 298 Yes late G1 874.7777778 YBR253W DNA-directed RNA polymerase II suppressor protein "transcription; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; metabolism; cellular organization " lethal No 101 216 No 705.6666667 YBR254C hypothetical protein intracellular transport; cellular organization no data No 193 101 No 444.7777778 YBR256C " riboflavin synthase, alpha chain" metabolism viable No 783 846 No 1139 "Null mutants may require riboflavin for sporulation (Santos, M. A., Garcia-Ramirez, J. J., and Revuelta, J. L. Riboflavin biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cloning, characterization, and expression of the RIB5 gene encoding riboflavin synthase. J Biol Chem 270, 437-44 (1995).)" YBR257W involved in processsing of tRNAs and rRNAs cellular organization lethal No 10 783 No 491.4444444 YNL250W POP4 1.75E-02 115 YBR265W similarity to human FVT1 protein metabolism; cellular organization lethal No 283 156 No 401 YMR226C 1.90E-05 152 YCL003W no data No No 62.77777778 YCL004W phosphatidylserine synthase "cellular biogenesis; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; metabolism " viable No 563 318 No 31 "Null mutant is temperature sensitive on glucose (Janitor, M., Jarosch, E., Schweyen, R. J., and Subik, J. Molecular characterization of the PEL1 gene encoding a putative phosphatidylserine synthase. Yeast 11, 1223-31 (1995))." YCL017C involved in tRNA-processing and mitochondrial metabolism transcription; cellular organization lethal No 352 359 No 698 YOL111C NFS1 9.82E-02 109 YCL031C involved in pre-rRNA processing and ribosome assembly protein destination; protein synthesis; transcription lethal No 366 194 No 626.7777778 YCL043C protein disulfide-isomerase precursor protein destination; metabolism; cellular organization lethal Yes -88 289 No 1589.666667 YDR518W PDI1 8.60E-102 1335 YCL052C required for Prb1p expression protein destination; cellular organization lethal No 468 169 No 257.1111111 YCL059C strong similarity to human Rev interacting protein Rip-1 unclear classification; cellular organization lethal No 144 1052 No 560.1111111 YOR145C KRR1 2.00E-05 152 YDR052C regulatory subunit for Cdc7p protein kinase "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal Yes -376 451 No 422.6666667 YIL115C DBF4 2.48E-04 143 YDR053W questionable ORF unclassified proteins no data Yes 796 -376 No 87 exclude YDR054C E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme "protein destination; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; metabolism; cellular organization " lethal No 1200 796 No 566.7777778 YMR022W CDC34 1.30E-29 448 YDR060W similarity to mouse putative CCAAT binding factor CBF1 and CBF2 cellular biogenesis; protein synthesis lethal No 438 878 No 1269.888889 YHR077C 5.20E-07 178 YDR062W serine C-palmitoyltransferase subunit metabolism lethal No 505 691 No 721.5555556 YDR232W LCB2 1.10E-27 428 YDR064W ribosomal protein protein synthesis; cellular organization no data No 235 346 No 2711.888889 YDR081C pyruvate decarboxylase regulatory protein energy; metabolism; cellular organization viable No 360 318 No 259.3333333 YEL007W PDC2 6.40E-10 213 "Null mutant grows slowly on glucose (Hohmann, S. Characterisation of PDC2, a gene necessary for high level expression of pyruvate decarboxylase structural genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol Gen Genet 241, 657-66 (1993))." YDR082W involved in telomere length regulation "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 91 360 No 142.5555556 YDR086C ER protein-translocase complex subunit intracellular transport; transport facilitation; protein destination; cellular organization lethal No 300 778 No 1415.333333 YDR087C similarity to hypothetical human KIAA0179 and C.elegans C47E12.7 protein transcription lethal No 191 300 No 637 YGR116W 4.54E-02 110 YDR088C pre-mRNA splicing factor affecting 3' splice site choice transcription; cellular organization lethal No 2467 191 No 179.2222222 YBR049C SLU7 1.51E-03 130 YDR091C strong similarity to human RNase L inhibitor and M.jannaschii ABC transporter protein transport facilitation no data No 1342 710 No 553.8888889 YPL226W 3.30E-09 202 YDR113C cell cycle regulator "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " viable No 307 644 Yes S 250 YLR114C PDS1 4.55E-03 124 "Previously-reported null mutants are temperature-sensitive for growth (Yamamoto, A., Guacci, V., and Koshland, D. Pds1p is required for faithful execution of anaphase in the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Cell Biol 133, 85-97 (1996))." YDR118W subunit of the anaphase promoting complex "protein destination; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " no data No 387 239 No 105 YDR141C hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 476 98 No 455.1111111 YLR106C 6.47E-02 118 YDR145W TFIID subunit (TBP-associated factor) transcription lethal No 256 637 No 691.4444444 YBR289W TAF61 1.40E-18 316 YDR339C weak similarity to hypothetical protein YOR004w unclassified proteins no data No 361 485 No 826 YOR004W 3.90E-07 170 YDR341C strong similarity to arginine-tRNA ligase protein synthesis; cellular organization no data No 590 620 No 1501.888889 YHR091C 1.00E-190 2425 YDR353W thioredoxin reductase (NADPH) metabolism viable No 489 545 No 2083.444444 YHR106W TRR1 2.30E-141 1817 "Previous null mutant grows slowly and does not germinate on YEPD (Machado, A. K., Morgan, B. A., and Merrill, G. F. Thioredoxin reductase-dependent inhibition of MCB cell cycle box activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Biol Chem 272, 17045-54 (1997))." YDR355C questionable ORF unclassified proteins no data Yes -262 178 No very low expression 19.33333333 exclude YDR356W spindle pole body component "cellular biogenesis; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal Yes 258 -262 Yes S 138.3333333 YDL058W NUF1 1.30E-35 528 YDR361C hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 416 427 No 522 YDR362C transcription factor IIIC subunit tau 91 transcription; cellular organization lethal No 486 416 No 49 YPL221W TFC6 3.09E-02 117 YDR365C weak similarity to Streptococcus M protein unclassified proteins no data No 6055 287 No 952.5555556 YDL058W 4.40E-07 176 YDR367W hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 290 12 No 354.4444444 YDR373W strong similarity to human BDR-1 protein and other calcium binding proteins unclear classification no data No 143 610 No 412.4444444 YKL190W 2.70E-15 270 YDR376W similarity to human adrenodoxin reductase and ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase metabolism; cellular organization lethal No 308 286 No 183.4444444 YDL171C ARH1 5.05E-03 125 YDR381W RNA annealing protein transcription; cellular organization lethal No 1488 433 No 2109.444444 YDR390C E1-like (ubiquitin-activating) enzyme protein destination; transcription; cellular organization lethal No 511 436 No 445.4444444 YKL210W UBA2 4.90E-29 445 YDR394W 26S proteasome regulatory subunit protein destination; cellular organization lethal No 357 410 No 626.5555556 YDL007W YTA2 1.10E-87 1161 YDR396W hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data Yes -429 137 No 603.3333333 exclude YDR397C functional homolog of human NC2beta/Dr1 transcription; cellular organization lethal Yes 573 -429 No 1428.111111 YBL021C NCB2 3.48E-03 120 YDR398W similarity to human KIAA0007 gene unclassified proteins no data No 666 573 No 640.6666667 YCR057C 2.90E-05 154 YDR404C " DNA-directed RNA polymerase II, 19 KD subunit" "cell rescue, cell defense and cell aging; transcription; cellular organization " lethal No 477 442 No 928.3333333 YKL144C RPB7 2.30E-10 209 YDR407C weak similarity to Myo1p unclassified proteins no data No 277 270 No 412 YGR014W 3.81E-04 144 YDR412W questionable ORF unclassified proteins no data Yes -564 299 No 381.4444444 YBR081C 3.46E-04 135 exclude YDR413C weak similarity to NADH dehydrogenase unclassified proteins no data Yes 187 -564 No 462.1111111 YNL327W 6.34E-02 106 YDR416W synthetic lethal with CDC40 unclassified proteins lethal No 544 271 No 180.1111111 YMR061W SYF1 9.82E-02 112 YDR429C translation initiation factor eIF3 (p33 subunit) protein synthesis; cellular organization no data No 200 238 No 1194.555556 YNL016W TIF35 1.62E-04 140 YDR434W similarity to S.pombe hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 142 1197 No 530.7777778 YEL002C oligosaccharyl transferase beta subunit precursor protein destination; metabolism; cellular organization no data No 287 123 No 369.6666667 YEL019C DNA repair protein "cell rescue, cell defense and cell aging; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis " no data No 170 199 No 16.44444444 YOR156C MMS21 5.60E-03 121 YEL026W strong similarity to high mobility group-like protein Nhp2p unclear classification no data No 258 692 No 990.6666667 YDL208W 9.50E-16 273 conflicts with ty data YEL032W replication initiation protein "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " no data No 406 339 Yes early G1 205.1111111 YBL023C MCM3 4.40E-82 1097 YEL035C protein of unknown function unclassified proteins no data No 131 493 No 6.888888889 YEL055C hypothetical protein unclear classification no data No 1182 98 No 280.8888889 YOR054C 4.60E-05 154 YEL058W phosphoacetylglucosamine mutase metabolism no data No 95 292 No 379 YMR278W PCM1 7.56E-02 111 YER003C mannose-6-phosphate isomerase metabolism; cellular organization no data No 462 238 Yes S 270.3333333 YER006W similarity to P.polycephalum myosin-related protein mlpA intracellular transport no data No 242 281 No 590.7777778 YNR053C 2.60E-30 460 YER008C secretory pathway protein "intracellular transport; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " no data No 297 923 No 270.1111111 YKL201C PSL1 1.00E-15 286 YER009W nuclear transport factor intracellular transport; cellular organization no data No 142 297 No 1088.222222 YNR051C NTF2 8.35E-02 103 YER012W proteasome component C11 "cell rescue, cell defense and cell aging; protein destination; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " no data No 410 1823 No 501.8888889 YJL001W PRE1 4.10E-11 220 YER013W pre-mRNA splicing factor transcription; cellular organization no data No 322 410 No 40.44444444 YGL120C PRP22 9.50E-159 2038 YER021W 26S proteasome subunit protein destination; cellular organization no data No 293 431 No 275.7777778 YER033C SUN2 1.39E-02 121 YER022W transcription factor transcription; cellular organization no data No 201 293 No 123.4444444 YDL074C SRB4 1.61E-03 134 YER023W delta 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase metabolism; cellular organization no data No 256 201 No 478.5555556 YER025W translation initiation factor eIF2 gamma chain protein synthesis; cellular organization no data No 810 288 No 413 YOR187W GCD11 1.50E-16 292 YER036C similarity to members of the ABC transporter family transport facilitation no data No 690 291 No 699.5555556 YFR009W 6.80E-93 1227 YER038C hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data Yes 204 4 No 49.77777778 YML034W 3.31E-03 128 YER043C S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase metabolism no data No 451 279 No 1155.888889 YCR045C SAH1 2.08E-02 118 YER082C hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 238 177 No 268.7777778 YBR198C 1.94E-04 143 "yer083c (R neighbor) is Q1 by footprinting, but nonessential by sporulation." YGR128C hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 309 214 No 237.8888889 YGR140W " kinetochore protein complex CBF3, 110 KD subunit" "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 270 1365 Yes S 153.3333333 YLR106C CBF2 1.83E-03 134 YGR147C N-acetyltransferase for N-terminal methionine protein destination; protein synthesis; cellular organization lethal No 392 1196 No 339.7777778 YGR156W hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 617 480 No 146.1111111 YDL195W 1.10E-05 157 YGR158C involved in mRNA transport transcription; cellular organization lethal No 391 220 No 187.4444444 YGR172C weak similarity to T.brucei mitochondrion (SGC6) hypothetical protein 6 intracellular transport; cellular organization lethal No 263 294 No 350.5555556 YGR175C squalene monooxygenase metabolism; cellular organization lethal No 297 528 No 885.6666667 YGR179C hypothetical protein unclassified proteins viable No 369 460 No 87.66666667 YDR485C 9.60E-05 145 "Previous disruption reported (Caponigro, G., Abedi, M. R., Hurlburt, A. P., Maxfield, A., Judd, W., and Kamb, A. Transdominant genetic analysis of a growth control pathway. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 95, 7508-7513 (1998))." YGR185C tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase protein synthesis; cellular organization lethal No 254 583 No 607.5555556 YOL097C TYS1 5.30E-05 148 YGR186W " TFIIF subunit (transcription initiation factor), 105 kD" transcription; cellular organization lethal No 251 254 No 223.8888889 YMR039C TFG1 7.00E-05 150 YGR190C questionable ORF unclassified proteins no data Yes -241 2104 No very low expression 41.55555556 exclude YGR191W histidine permease ionic homeostasis; intracellular transport; transport facilitation; metabolism; cellular organization; viable Yes 581 -241 No 164.7777778 YKR039W HIP1 9.90E-154 1972 "Null mutant requires supplementation with large amounts of histidine for growth (Tanaka, J., and Fink, G. R. The histidine permease gene (HIP1) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Gene 38, 205-14 (1985).)" YGR195W 3'->5' exoribonuclease required for 3' end formation of 5.8S rRNA cellular biogenesis; transcription; metabolism lethal No 111 1007 No 257.4444444 YGR095C ECM20 1.44E-04 140 YGR198W hypothetical protein unclassified proteins lethal No 356 553 No 84.44444444 YEL061C 8.44E-03 125 YGR211W weak similarity to M.jannaschii hypothetical protein unclassified proteins lethal No 339 503 No 301.4444444 YGR216C required for N-acetylglucosaminyl phosphatidylinositol synthesis "signal transduction; cellular biogenesis; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; metabolism; cellular organization;" viable No 232 126 No 141.3333333 YKR082W GPI1 2.31E-02 118 "Temperature sensitive null (Orlean, P., Leidich, S. D., Drapp, D. A., and Colussi, P. Isolation of temperature-sensitive yeast GPI-anchoring mutants. Braz J Med Biol Res 27, 145-50 (1994), Leidich, S. D., and Orlean, P. Gpi1, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein that participates in the first step in glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor synthesis. J Biol Chem 271, 27829-37 (1996))." YGR218W chromosome region maintenance protein intracellular transport; transcription; cellular organization lethal No 240 1726 No 175.5555556 YOR160W CRM1 8.14E-04 139 YHL015W ribosomal protein protein synthesis; cellular organization lethal No 320 1168 No 1962.222222 YHR019C asparaginyl-tRNA-synthetase protein synthesis lethal No 438 492 No 597.4444444 YCR024C DED81 6.80E-35 516 YHR020W strong similarity to human glutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase and fruit fly multifunctional aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase protein synthesis lethal No 1809 438 No 540.3333333 YER087W 1.03E-02 123 YHR024C " processing peptidase, catalytic 53kDa (alpha) subunit, mitochondrial" protein destination; cellular organization lethal No 246 292 No 106.5555556 YLR163C MAS2 4.00E-39 567 YHR036W similarity to hypothetical protein YGL247w unclassified proteins lethal No 217 234 No 128 YGL247W 6.40E-09 197 YHR040W weak similarity to Hit1p unclassified proteins lethal No 107 245 No 293.8888889 YJR055W 1.25E-04 143 YHR042W NADPH-Cytochrome P450 reductase "cell rescue, cell defense and cell aging; metabolism; cellular organization " lethal No 187 679 No 745.1111111 YFR030W NCP1 2.20E-22 364 YHR062C hypothetical protein transcription; cellular organization lethal No 272 399 No 253.3333333 YHR065C required for maturation of the 35S primary transcript transcription; cellular organization lethal No 172 289 No 218.8888889 YHR169W RRP3 7.20E-69 932 YHR068W deoxyhypusine synthase metabolism lethal No 283 321 No 730.7777778 YHR069C strong similarity to hypothetical S.pombe protein similarity to human protein transcription; cellular organization lethal No 223 283 No 161.1111111 YDR349C 8.45E-02 108 YHR070W strong similarity to N.crassa met-10+ protein metabolism lethal No 624 223 No 158.2222222 YHR072W lanosterol synthase metabolism; cellular organization lethal No 1289 1405 No 671.4444444 YHR074W weak similarity to B.subtilis spore outgrowth factor B unclassified proteins lethal No 102 621 No 425.7777778 YHR083W hypothetical protein unclassified proteins lethal No 558 1079 No 107.4444444 YOR177C 3.10E-02 113 YHR085W weak similarity to fruit fly brahma transcriptional activator unclassified proteins lethal No 385 524 No 248.4444444 YHR088W similarity to hypothetical protein YNL075w unclassified proteins lethal No 299 340 No 343.2222222 YNL075W 1.10E-23 375 YHR101C big cells phenotype "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; metabolism " viable No 604 201 No 23.44444444 67.55555556 "Null mutants are viable, but show slow growth on glucose Bickle, M., et al. (1998) Cell wall integrity modulates RHO1 activity via the exchange factor ROM2. EMBO J 17:2235-2245 " YHR107C septin "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; metabolism; cellular organization " lethal No 267 187 No 228.5555556 YGR059W CDC12 2.40E-52 728 YHR118C " origin recognition complex, 50 KD subunit" "transcription; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 415 53 No 81.44444444 YMR016C ORC6 4.41E-03 125 YHR122W hypothetical protein unclassified proteins lethal No 495 306 No 236.5555556 YHR143W-A " DNA-directed RNA polymerases I, II, III 7.7 KD subunit" no data No 343 746 No 618 YHR143W RPC10 9.20E-31 453 YHR148W similarity to ribosomal protein protein synthesis lethal No 370 251 No 217.2222222 YPL081W 5.60E-08 180 YHR164C DNA helicase "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 529 137 No 56.77777778 YKL017C DNA2 4.10E-26 414 YHR166C subunit of anaphase-promoting complex (cyclosome) "cellular biogenesis; protein destination; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 292 222 No 50.77777778 YBL084C CDC23 5.10E-18 310 YHR172W spindle pole body component "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 9 730 Yes S 63.55555556 YBL004W SPC97 3.14E-02 118 YHR186C similarity to C.elegans hypothetical protein C10C5.6 unclassified proteins lethal No 318 659 No 83.77777778 YBR289W 4.60E-08 193 YHR188C hypothetical protein unclassified proteins lethal No 191 86 No 344.3333333 YHR190W farnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase metabolism; cellular organization lethal No 51 245 No 838.5555556 YHR196W hypothetical protein unclassified proteins lethal No 238 219 No 337 YDR398W 2.31E-03 130 YHR197W hypothetical protein unclassified proteins lethal No 128 238 No 248.7777778 YMR227C 7.88E-03 125 YKL004W aureobasidin-resistance protein cellular biogenesis; metabolism lethal No 312 703 No 693.1111111 YDR072C AUR1 3.00E-21 347 YKL006C-A SNARE-like protein no data No 1274 90 No 679.3333333 YKL006C SFT1 7.80E-43 603 YKL012W splicing factor transcription; cellular organization lethal No 94 287 No 566.2222222 YPR152C PRP40 7.57E-04 136 YKL013C strong similarity to C.elegans hypothetical protein intracellular transport; cellular organization no data No 287 595 No 735.5555556 YKL014C hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 595 136 No 446 YKL018W similarity to C.elegans hypothetical protein unclassified proteins lethal No 99 584 No 124.1111111 YCR057C 1.60E-07 178 YKL019W " protein farnesyltransferase, alpha subunit" protein destination; metabolism; cellular organization lethal No 584 488 No 295.5555556 YJL031C RAM2 4.60E-15 270 YKL021C involved in cell growth and replication of M1 dsRNA virus "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis " lethal No 82 96 No 355.8888889 YNL006W MAK11 3.10E-10 213 YKL022C subunit of anaphase-promoting complex (cyclosome) "protein destination; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 96 172 No 241.8888889 YBR112C CDC16 1.70E-12 244 YKL024C uridine-monophosphate kinase metabolism; cellular organization no data No 581 247 No 945.2222222 YDR226W URA6 1.80E-13 248 YKL028W " TFIIE subunit (transcription initiation factor), 66 kD" transcription; cellular organization lethal No 356 1033 No 898 YLR106C TFA1 7.50E-08 184 YKL033W hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 1493 768 No 55.44444444 YIR010W 6.14E-03 128 YKL035W UTP--glucose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase protein destination; energy; metabolism lethal Yes 439 -29 No 938.7777778 YHL012W UGP1 2.70E-82 1096 YKL036C questionable ORF unclassified proteins no data Yes -29 -193 No very low expression 46.77777778 YKL042W spindle pole body component "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 576 627 Yes late G1 252.2222222 YGR238C SPC42 1.03E-04 144 YKL045W " DNA-directed DNA polymerase alpha , 58 KD subunit (DNA primase)" "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 1243 869 Yes late G1 449.1111111 YKL049C strong similarity to histone H3 "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 725 455 Yes G2 426.1111111 YBR010W CSE4 8.60E-24 372 YKL052C hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data Yes 766 -278 Yes G2 298.2222222 YDR409W 7.39E-03 120 YKL058W " TFIIA subunit (transcription initiation factor), 13.5 kD" transcription; cellular organization lethal No 322 723 No 768.5555556 YKL059C similarity to C.elegans hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 723 631 No 443.1111111 YJR093C 1.75E-03 130 YKL060C fructose-bisphosphate aldolase energy; metabolism; cellular organization lethal No 631 296 No 3787.111111 YKL078W strong similarity to ATP-dependent RNA helicases transcription no data No 401 272 No 366.2222222 YGL120C JA2 1.90E-118 1541 YKL083W questionable ORF unclassified proteins no data Yes -510 62 No 644.5555556 YGR228W 1.06E-02 116 YKL088W " similarity to C.tropicalis hal3 protein, to C-term. of Sis2p and to hypothetical protein YOR054c" "cell rescue, cell defense and cell aging " no data No 191 240 No 303.8888889 YKR072C 2.20E-46 657 YKL089W required for normal chromosome segregation and spindle integrity "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 240 185 No 233.7777778 YDR170C MIF2 6.20E-05 149 YKL095W similarity to C.elegans hypothetical proteins unclassified proteins; cellular organization lethal No 236 426 No 64.11111111 YDL058W YJU2 6.84E-03 120 YLL003W protein of unknown function unclassified proteins lethal No 250 278 No 324.1111111 YKR095W SFI1 3.00E-02 119 YLL004W " origin recognition complex, 62 kDa subunit" "transcription; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 278 527 No 177.6666667 YGL150C ORC3 6.32E-03 125 YLL008W RNA helicase of the DEAD box family protein destination; transcription; cellular organization lethal No 315 315 No 830.3333333 YHR065C DRS1 2.60E-64 878 YLL011W involved in 18S pre-rRNA production transcription; cellular organization lethal No 338 268 No 825.5555556 YCR072C SOF1 1.90E-10 216 YLL018C " aspartyl-tRNA synthetase, cytosolic" protein synthesis; cellular organization no data No 659 930 No 792.5555556 YHR019C DPS1 1.90E-32 486 YLL031C similarity to hypothetical protein YJL062w unclassified proteins no data No 151 405 No 362.6666667 YJL062W 1.70E-41 600 YLL034C similarity to mammalian valosin unclear classification no data No 263 155 No 470.2222222 YDL126C 3.60E-105 1379 YLL035W hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 155 324 No 326.1111111 YOR250C 9.67E-04 135 YLL036C non-snRNP sliceosome component required for DNA repair transcription; cellular organization lethal Yes 324 -197 No 840.7777778 YLL037W weak similarity to human platelet-activating factor receptor unclassified proteins no data Yes -197 44 No 578.5555556 exclude YLL050C " cofilin, actin binding and severing protein" "intracellular transport; protein destination; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 252 333 No 2079.555556 YCR088W COF1 3.29E-03 120 YLR002C hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 521 366 No 183.8888889 YKL201C 7.22E-04 137 YLR005W " TFIIH subunit (transcription initiation factor), factor B" "cell rescue, cell defense and cell aging; protein synthesis; transcription " lethal No 321 544 No 481.1111111 YLR007W hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 175 499 No 411.6666667 YLR008C similarity to hypothetical protein YNL328c unclassified proteins no data No 454 175 No 724.3333333 YNL328C 1.90E-12 234 YLR009W similarity to ribosomal protein L24.e.B protein synthesis no data No 184 454 No 928.1111111 YGL031C 5.20E-12 230 YLR010C hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 1301 184 No 129.5555556 YLR022C similarity to C.elegans and M.jannaschii hypothetical proteins unclassified proteins no data No 572 12 No 820.1111111 YLR026C syntaxin (T-SNARE) intracellular transport; cellular organization lethal No 357 276 No 425.5555556 YOR106W SED5 2.00E-12 238 YLR029C ribosomal protein L15.e.c12 protein synthesis; cellular organization no data No 700 661 No 4831 YMR121C RPL13A 2.00E-105 1374 YLR045C suppressor of a cs tubulin mutation unclear classification; cellular organization lethal No 298 956 Yes S 266.5555556 YDR356W STU2 1.00E-06 172 YLR051C similarity to human acidic 82 kDa protein unclassified proteins no data No 224 252 No 825.3333333 YLR309C 2.81E-02 111 YLR060W " phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase, alpha subunit, cytosolic" protein synthesis; cellular organization no data No 428 432 No 1154 YLR066W signal peptidase subunit protein destination; cellular organization lethal No 90 251 No 939.6666667 YLR071C DNA-directed RNA polymerase II holoenzyme subunit "transcription; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; energy; metabolism; cellular organization;" lethal No 236 167 No 252.6666667 YLR075W ribosomal protein of the 60S subunit "protein destination; protein synthesis; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal Yes -407 471 No 3266.555556 YLR076C questionable ORF unclassified proteins lethal Yes 265 -407 No 4875.777778 exclude YLR078C secretory pathway protein intracellular transport; cellular organization lethal No 261 113 No 477.7777778 YLR086W Stable Maintenance of Chromosomes cellular biogenesis lethal No 356 254 No 172.6666667 YFL008W SMC4 3.10E-86 1150 YLR088W required for attachment of GPI anchor onto proteins intracellular transport; protein destination; metabolism; cellular organization lethal No 286 376 No 315.5555556 YLR100W hypothetical protein unclassified proteins lethal Yes -287 882 No 1131.666667 exclude YLR101C questionable ORF unclassified proteins no data Yes 9 -287 No 1573.111111 YLR103C required for minichromosome maintenance and initiation of chromosomal DNA replication "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 644 222 Yes late G1 370.6666667 YDR186C CDC45 1.30E-04 146 YLR105C tRNA splicing endonuclease beta subunit transcription; cellular organization lethal No 826 67 No 317.1111111 YKL082C SEN2 2.40E-02 115 YLR106C hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 378 826 No 1027 YFR016C 5.50E-15 284 YLR115W " cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor, part of CF II" transcription; cellular organization lethal No 258 747 No 296.8888889 YLR277C CFT2 3.10E-09 204 YLR116W branch point bridging protein transcription; cellular organization lethal No 219 258 No 207.6666667 YIR019C MSL5 4.00E-07 175 YLR117C strong similarity to Drosophila putative cell cycle control protein crn "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis " viable No 191 219 No 214.5555556 YMR229C 3.90E-07 177 Null mutant reported as viable in MIPS as of 03/24/99. No reference. YLR127C weak similaeity to fruit fly lin19 protein "protein destination; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis " no data No 211 238 No 129.1111111 YFR031C 6.60E-02 114 YLR129W Dom34p-interacting protein "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis " lethal No 306 224 No 544 YLR222C DIP2 1.60E-36 539 YLR132C hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 290 461 No 126.1111111 YLR140W questionable ORF unclassified proteins no data Yes -117 1 No 185.5555556 YLR141W RNA polymerase I specific transcription initiation factor transcription; cellular organization viable Yes 412 -117 No 61.77777778 YLR009W RRN5 6.95E-02 109 "May overlap another essential gene, YLR140W." YLR145W hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 50 152 No 425.5555556 YLR147C strong similarity to small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D3 transcription; cellular organization lethal No 178 433 No 1271.333333 YER112W SMD3 2.64E-03 119 YLR163C mitochondrial processing peptidase protein destination; cellular organization lethal No 629 1938 No 435.4444444 YHR024C MAS1 3.70E-39 567 YLR166C required for exocytosis intracellular transport; cellular organization lethal No 903 171 No 421 YEL061C SEC10 4.60E-05 153 YLR167W ubiquitin protein destination; protein synthesis; cellular organization viable No 173 903 No 3998.333333 YIL148W UBI3 2.10E-32 478 "Previously-reported null mutant is coled-sensitive (Mueller, P. P., Grueter, P., Hinnebusch, A. G., and Trachsel, H. A Ribosomal Protein Is Required for Translational Regulation of GCN4 mRNA. Evidence for involvement of the ribosome in eif2 recycling. J Biol Chem 273, 32870-32877 (1998))." YLR175W centromere/microtubule binding protein "cellular biogenesis; transcription; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 212 305 No 1954.444444 YOR310C CBF5 5.40E-13 247 YLR195C N-myristoyltransferase protein destination; metabolism; cellular organization lethal No 664 364 No 669.5555556 YAR018C NMT1 7.29E-02 110 YLR196W periodic tryptophan protein unclassified proteins viable No 399 664 No 747.6666667 YEL056W PWP1 1.90E-07 180 "Previously-reported null mutants are severely growth retarded (Duronio, R. J., Gordon, J. I., and Boguski, M. S. Comparative analysis of the beta transducin family with identification of several new members including PWP1, a nonessential gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is divergently transcribed from NMT1. Proteins 13, 41-56 (1992))." YLR197W suppressor of toxicity of Gal4-IKB transcription; cellular organization lethal Yes -325 399 No 1741.333333 YOR310C SIK1 2.70E-94 1243 YLR198C questionable ORF unclassified proteins no data Yes 208 -325 No 1358.333333 YLR208W protein transport protein intracellular transport; cellular organization lethal No 353 262 No 928.6666667 YGL100W SEC13 1.00E-20 339 YLR212C gamma tubulin "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 373 646 Yes late G1 174.7777778 YML085C TUB4 1.80E-51 718 YLR222C similarity to Dip2p unclassified proteins no data No 462 294 No 396.2222222 YLR129W 1.30E-36 539 YLR223C pre-rRNA processing machinery control protein transcription; cellular organization lethal No 974 462 No 493.3333333 YDR223W IFH1 9.40E-19 322 YML010W transcription initiation protein transcription; cellular organization lethal Yes -433 249 No 372.1111111 YPL190C SPT5 2.30E-13 256 YML025C mitochondrial ribosomal protein protein synthesis; cellular organization no data No 524 578 No 436.6666667 YML043C component of rDNA transcription factor CF transcription; cellular organization lethal No 1021 515 No 278.5555556 YKL201C RRN11 1.07E-02 121 YML049C hypothetical protein intracellular transport; transcription viable No 121 146 No 131.8888889 "Null mutant reported but does not grow at 30¡C (Chen, E.J.; Frand, A.R.; Chitouras, E.; Kaiser, C.A. Mol. Cell. Biol. 18(12): 7139-46 (1998))." YML064C GTP-binding protein of the ras superfamily "signal transduction; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis " lethal No 606 185 No 447.4444444 YFL005W TEM1 1.20E-13 251 YML065W " origin recognition complex, large subunit" "transcription; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 185 677 No 257.1111111 YLR442C ORC1 1.30E-85 1140 YMR001C ser/thr protein kinase "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 1057 1219 Yes M 354.5555556 YPL209C CDC5 2.60E-37 547 YMR013C dolichol kinase "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; metabolism; cellular organization " no data No 2130 212 No 262.1111111 YMR028W component of the Tor signaling pathway "signal transduction; protein synthesis; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis " lethal No 78 193 No 307.7777778 YPL174C TAP42 3.76E-04 137 YMR043W transcription factor of the MADS box family "cell rescue, cell defense and cell aging; transcription; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; metabolism; cellular organization;" lethal No 653 735 No 1602.666667 YMR042W MCM1 3.10E-25 394 YMR146C " translation initiation factor eIF3, P39 subunit" protein synthesis; cellular organization lethal No 675 1006 No 2055.444444 YBR175W TIF34 9.40E-12 230 YMR149W oligosaccharyltransferase delta subunit protein destination; metabolism; cellular organization lethal No 100 184 No 786.7777778 YMR168C " kinetochore protein complex, subunit B" "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 194 137 No 167.7777778 YLR256W CBF3B 2.46E-03 130 YMR197C similarity to Nuf1p intracellular transport; protein destination; cellular organization lethal No 547 203 No 575 YDL234C 9.50E-03 117 YMR200W hypothetical protein unclassified proteins lethal No 323 468 No 1302.555556 YIL155C 4.17E-02 110 YMR203W mitochondrial outer membrane import channel intracellular transport; transport facilitation; protein destination; cellular organization lethal No 408 287 No 653.8888889 YMR208W mevalonate kinase metabolism; cellular organization lethal No 113 903 No 682.8888889 YMR119W ERG12 5.09E-02 112 YMR211W weak similarity to beta tubulins unclassified proteins no data No 185 218 No 351.4444444 YLR212C 1.03E-02 121 YMR213W similarity to S.pombe putative transcription factor cdc5 "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis " lethal No 116 338 No 204.4444444 YKR099W 1.00E-06 171 YMR218C hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 246 212 No 227 YMR220W phosphomevalonate kinase metabolism; cellular organization lethal No 260 207 No 965.1111111 YMR227C hypothetical protein transcription; cellular organization lethal No 241 217 No 348.8888889 YLR106C 1.00E-09 208 YMR229C processing of pre-ribosomal RNA transcription; cellular organization lethal No 1291 283 No 983.1111111 YLR117C RRP5 1.00E-06 177 YMR235C GTPase activating protein transcription; cellular organization lethal No 236 200 No 328 YPR189W RNA1 2.99E-04 139 YMR236W similarity to human TAFII31 transcription; cellular organization lethal No 305 236 No 818.2222222 YMR239C double-stranded ribonuclease transcription; cellular organization lethal No 253 533 No 383.2222222 YBR081C RNT1 1.48E-02 119 YMR240C U2 snRNP protein transcription; cellular organization lethal No 721 253 No 211.8888889 YMR260C translation initiation factor eIF1a protein synthesis; cellular organization lethal No 366 495 No 1337.666667 YDR289C TIF11 8.60E-02 103 YMR268C splicing factor transcription; cellular organization lethal No 442 184 No 224.2222222 YER165W PRP24 5.00E-06 161 YMR270C RNA polymerase I-specific transcription initiation factor transcription; cellular organization viable No 442 235 No 321.7777778 YGL086W RRN9 1.20E-03 131 "Previous null mutant reported (Keys, D.A.; Lee, B.S.; Dodd, J.A.; Nguyen, T.T.; Vu, L.; Fantino, E.; Burson, L.M.; Nogi, Y.; Nomura, M. Genes Dev. 10(7): 887-903 (1996))." YMR277W hypothetical protein transcription; cellular organization lethal No 309 308 No 440.3333333 YOR054C 3.00E-06 166 YMR281W hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 103 1010 No 230.7777778 YMR288W strong similarity to hypothetical S.pombe protein unclassified proteins no data No 199 226 No 94 YGL195W 1.07E-03 137 YMR290C strong similarity to helicases of the DEAD/DEAH box family transcription lethal Yes -169 265 No 710.5555556 YJL033W 3.00E-80 1071 YMR290W-A questionable ORF no data Yes 861 -169 No very low expression 50.88888889 YMR290W 2.30E-52 721 exclude YMR296C serine C-palmitoyltransferase subunit metabolism lethal No 1031 325 No 456.4444444 YDR062W LCB1 1.00E-26 416 YMR298W hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 141 299 No 524.7777778 YMR301C mitochondrial ATP-binding cassette transporter protein ionic homeostasis; intracellular transport; transport facilitation; cellular organization lethal No 446 464 No 310.5555556 YPL270W ATM1 2.00E-48 683 YMR308C protein secretion enhancer intracellular transport; cellular organization lethal No 767 270 No 967.2222222 YER110C PSE1 1.80E-40 588 "Null mutant grows very slowly. Chow, T.Y., et al. (1992) Screening and identification of a gene, PSE-1, that affects protein secretion in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Cell Sci 101:709-719" YMR309C associated with 40s ribosomal subunit protein synthesis; cellular organization lethal No 290 767 No 550.5555556 YGR159C NIP1 4.00E-06 166 YNL245C hypothetical protein unclassified proteins lethal No 285 -3 No 451 YJL074C 1.66E-03 125 YNL247W similarity to cysteinyl-tRNA synthetases protein synthesis no data No 282 267 No 546.4444444 YPL160W 3.84E-04 141 YNL251C involved in regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA abundance transcription; cellular organization lethal No 1095 302 No 287.7777778 YNL124W NRD1 1.00E-05 159 YNL258C hypothetical protein unclassified proteins lethal No 258 244 No 115 YJL115W 1.01E-04 148 YNL261W " origin recognition complex, 50 kDa subunit" "transcription; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 320 220 No 363.7777778 YOR046C ORC5 3.71E-02 114 YNL262W " DNA-directed DNA polymerase epsilon, catalytic subunit A" "cell rescue, cell defense and cell aging; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 220 372 Yes late G1 376.5555556 YDL102W POL2 3.94E-02 122 YNL263C Slh1p Interacting Factor unclassified proteins lethal No 372 281 No 598.1111111 YNL272C protein transport protein intracellular transport; cellular organization lethal No 439 206 Yes late G1 284.3333333 YKR092C SEC2 3.70E-11 227 YNL282W involved in processsing of tRNAs and rRNAs transcription; cellular organization lethal No 193 992 No 189.1111111 YNL290W " DNA replication factor C, 40 kDa subunit" "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 657 403 No 262.6666667 YOL094C RFC3 1.90E-47 667 YNL306W hypothetical protein protein synthesis; cellular organization no data No 90 582 No 541.6666667 YNL308C similarity to S.pombe and C.elegans hypothetical proteins unclassified proteins lethal No 550 198 No 859.6666667 YDL058W 1.40E-08 194 YNL310C similarity to S.pombe hypothetical protein SPAC24H6.02c unclassified proteins no data No 21 219 Yes late G1 585.6666667 YNL312W " DNA replication factor A, 36 kDa subunit" "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 181 265 Yes late G1 766 YNL313C similarity to C.elegans hypothetical protein unclassified proteins lethal No 265 94 No 345.6666667 YBR112C 4.80E-05 153 YNL317W similarity to A.thaliana PRL1/2 protein unclassified proteins lethal No 55 290 No 145.6666667 YPL151C 4.10E-16 285 YOL005C " DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit, 13.6 KD" transcription; cellular organization lethal No 763 426 No 890.2222222 YNL113W RPB11 1.61E-04 135 YOL010W putative RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase transcription no data No 283 529 No 215.1111111 YOL021C Ran binding protein "transcription; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 746 923 No 441.1111111 YDR293C DIS3 8.30E-35 518 YOL022C weak similarity to rat apoptosis protein RP-8 unclassified proteins viable No 923 186 No 645.3333333 YHL007C 1.90E-03 129 "Previously-reported disruption is slow growing (Rad, M. R., Habbig, B., Jansen, G., Hattenhorst, U., Kroll, M., and Hollenberg, C. P. Analysis of the DNA sequence of a 34,038 bp region on the left arm of yeast chromosome XV. Yeast 13, 281-6 (1997))." YOL026C hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 604 288 No 745.4444444 YOL034W similarity to human SB1.8/DXS423E protein "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis " viable No 271 820 No 130.1111111 YLR383W 7.90E-19 323 viablity reported in MIPS. YOL038W 20S proteasome subunit (alpha4) protein destination; cellular organization no data No 565 720 No 1169.111111 YGR135W PRE6 3.70E-32 478 YOL040C ribosomal protein protein synthesis; cellular organization no data No 720 503 No 3695 YNR037C RPS21 1.00E-05 151 YOL066C DRAP deaminase metabolism no data No 260 178 No 165.4444444 YDL036C RIB2 8.90E-149 1911 YOL069W spindle pole body protein "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 71 217 Yes M 54.22222222 YDL058W NUF2 4.60E-11 223 YOL077C strong similarity to C.elegans K12H4.3 protein unclassified proteins no data No 301 636 No 897.3333333 YNL075W 4.63E-02 110 YOR004W weak similarity to hypothetical protein YDR339c unclassified proteins no data No 153 701 No 983.5555556 YDR339C 5.20E-07 170 YOR020C " chaperonin, mitochondrial" protein destination; cellular organization lethal No 1954 205 No 1049.666667 YOR046C RNA helicase unclear classification lethal No 440 423 No 597.7777778 YJL138C DBP5 8.10E-66 894 YOR048C 5'-3' exoribonuclease intracellular transport; transcription; cellular organization lethal No 1018 949 No 297.1111111 YGL173C RAT1 8.50E-104 1363 YOR056C weak similarity to human phosphorylation regulatory protein HP-10 unclassified proteins no data No 560 335 No 733.8888889 YLR223C 3.39E-04 139 YOR057W suppressor of G2 allele of SKP1 unclassified proteins no data No 315 560 No 317.2222222 YBL029W SGT1 8.25E-03 121 YOR060C hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 371 132 No 135.3333333 YOR063W ribosomal protein L3.e protein synthesis; cellular organization lethal No 230 1155 No 2168.444444 YGR220C TCM1 3.58E-02 113 YOR074C thymidylate synthase metabolism; cellular organization no data No 623 132 Yes late G1 43.33333333 367 YOR075W syntaxin (T-SNARE) of the ER "intracellular transport; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 125 623 No 219.4444444 YLR026C UFE1 5.00E-06 160 YOR077W similarity to mouse KIN17 protein "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis " no data No 128 279 No 41.44444444 YOR095C D-ribose-5-phosphate ketol-isomerase energy; metabolism; cellular organization viable No 1466 206 No 597 "Null mutant reported as inviable (Miosga, T., and Zimmermann, F. K. Cloning and characterization of the first two genes of the non-oxidative part of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae pentose-phosphate pathway. Curr Genet 30, 404-9 (1996)). but viable by MIPS." YOR294W similarity to human hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 257 488 No 510.1111111 YOR310C strong similarity to Sik1p transcription; cellular organization lethal Yes 696 -253 No 1811.555556 YLR197W 2.80E-94 1243 YOR319W similarity to human SAP49 and RNA-binding proteins transcription; cellular organization lethal No 156 386 No 343.6666667 YER165W HSH49 6.40E-11 217 YOR326W myosin heavy chain "cellular biogenesis; intracellular transport; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 289 671 No 735.6666667 YAL029C MYO2 0.00E+00 4534 YOR329C suppressor of clathrin deficiency intracellular transport; protein destination lethal No 272 234 No 291.5555556 YBR289W SCD5 6.30E-15 274 YOR335C " alanyl-tRNA synthetase, cytosolic" protein synthesis; cellular organization lethal No 664 225 No 1147.444444 YNL040W ALA1 1.79E-03 134 YOR340C " DNA-directed RNA polymerase I, 36 KD subunit" transcription; cellular organization lethal No 805 370 No 459.2222222 YGL086W RPA43 3.61E-02 112 YOR341W " DNA-directed RNA polymerase I, 190 KD alpha subunit" transcription; cellular organization lethal No 685 805 No 834.6666667 YDL140C RPA190 6.60E-115 1502 YOR353C weak similarity to adenylate cyclases unclassified proteins no data No 319 209 No 209 YJL005W 3.40E-08 191 YOR361C translation initiation factor eIF3 subunit "protein synthesis; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 228 540 No 1617.111111 YGR054W PRT1 3.60E-07 178 YOR362C 20S proteasome subunit C1(alpha7) protein destination; cellular organization lethal No 1476 228 No 1261.555556 YML092C PRE10 1.90E-27 421 YOR370C geranylgeranyltransferase regulatory subunit protein destination; metabolism; cellular organization lethal No 495 558 No 710 YER136W MSI4 6.60E-25 394 YOR372C hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 363 625 No 266.4444444 YIR019C 9.20E-09 196 YOR373W cell cycle regulatory protein "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 451 363 No 153.1111111 YJL005W NUD1 7.00E-10 212 YPL093W " similarity to M.jannaschii GTP-binding protein, GTP1/OBG-family, weak similarity to other GTP-binding proteins" unclassified proteins no data No 872 288 No 634.1111111 YMR023C 2.00E-06 169 YPL094C ER protein-translocation complex subunit intracellular transport; transport facilitation; protein destination; cellular organization lethal No 288 398 No 457.6666667 YPL117C isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase metabolism; cellular organization lethal No 876 202 No 794.2222222 YPL122C TFIIH subunit (transcription/repair factor) "cell rescue, cell defense and cell aging; transcription; cellular organization " lethal No 195 281 No 314.1111111 YPL124W nuclear import protein intracellular transport; cellular organization lethal No 125 269 Yes late G1 251.8888889 YBR156C NIP29 9.02E-03 118 YPL126W weak similarity to fruit fly TFIID subunit p85 unclassified proteins no data No 488 606 No 283.2222222 YJL112W 2.56E-04 144 YPL128C telomere TTAGGG repeat-binding factor 1 cellular organization lethal No 607 396 No 152.7777778 YNL197C TBF1 1.51E-03 132 YPL142C questionable ORF unclassified proteins no data Yes 461 -284 No 2009.555556 YPL143W ribosomal protein L35a.e.c16 protein synthesis; cellular organization viable Yes -284 1196 No 2426.333333 YOR234C RPL37A 8.20E-50 689 "Previously-reported null mutant is severely impaired for growth (Tornow, J., and Santangelo, G. M. Saccharomyces cerevisiae ribosomal protein L37 is encoded by duplicate genes that are differentially expressed. Curr Genet 25, 480-7 (1994))." YPL151C strong similarity to A.thaliana PRL1 and PRL2 proteins unclassified proteins no data No 653 76 No 76 YBR198C 3.80E-23 371 YPL153C ser/thr/tyr protein kinase "cell rescue, cell defense and cell aging; signal transduction; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 836 796 Yes late G1 104 YFR014C SPK1 8.10E-38 554 YPL160W " leucine--tRNA ligase, cytosolic" protein synthesis; cellular organization no data No 645 770 No 858 YNL247W CDC60 5.49E-04 141 YPL169C weak similarity to human PHAPI transcription; cellular organization lethal No 379 267 No 834 YPL213W 2.97E-04 141 YPL175W N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase cellular biogenesis; metabolism; cellular organization lethal No 79 286 No 169.6666667 YPL190C polyadenylated RNA-binding protein transcription; cellular organization lethal No 1429 638 No 320.3333333 YBR289W NAB3 1.40E-17 306 YPL204W " casein kinase I, ser/thr/tyr protein kinase" "cell rescue, cell defense and cell aging; cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " viable No 496 10 No 1046.444444 YHR135C HRR25 3.10E-85 1132 "Previously reported null mutant is slow growing and is sporulation defective (Hoekstra, M. F., Liskay, R. M., Ou, A. C., De Maggio, A. J., Burbee, D. G., and Heffron, F. HRR25, a putative protein kinase from budding yeast: association with repair of damaged DNA. Science 253, 1031-4 (1991))." YPL209C ser/thr protein kinase "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis " lethal No 249 260 Yes late G1 57.22222222 YKL166C IPL1 9.40E-47 659 YPL210C signal recognition particle protein protein destination; cellular organization viable No 260 250 No 628.2222222 YNL227C SRP72 4.46E-03 127 "Previously-reported null mutants are slow-growing (Brown, J. D., Hann, B. C., Medzihradszky, K. F., Niwa, M., Burlingame, A. L., and Walter, P. Subunits of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae signal recognition particle required for its functional expression. EMBO J 13, 4390-400 (1994))." YPL211W similarity to A.thaliana hypothetical protein transcription; cellular organization lethal No 250 346 No 706 YPL218W GTP-binding protein of the ARF family intracellular transport; cellular organization lethal No 211 470 No 1560.777778 YDL192W SAR1 1.60E-21 346 YPL228W similarity to YMR180c transcription lethal No 132 695 No 138.7777778 YMR180C 9.10E-17 294 YPL231W " fatty-acyl-CoA synthase, alpha chain" protein destination; metabolism; cellular organization lethal No 997 505 No 967.5555556 YER061C FAS2 8.30E-05 154 YPL233W hypothetical protein unclassified proteins no data No 453 732 No 268.6666667 YKR095W 1.33E-02 115 YPL235W strong similarity to YDR190c unclassified proteins lethal No 299 530 No 768.1111111 YDR190C 3.90E-84 1118 YPL237W translation initiation factor eIF2 beta subunit protein synthesis; cellular organization lethal Yes 255 -367 No 1678 YPR041W SUI3 2.00E-08 188 YPL238C questionable ORF unclassified proteins no data Yes -367 388 No 1799.444444 exclude YPL242C similarity to human RasGAP-related protein "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 263 306 Yes M 332 YOR367W 3.70E-05 157 YPL243W signal recognition particle protein protein destination; cellular organization viable No 306 484 No 972.2222222 YLR309C SRP68 7.24E-03 124 "Previously-reported null mutants are slow-growing (Brown, J. D., Hann, B. C., Medzihradszky, K. F., Niwa, M., Burlingame, A. L., and Walter, P. Subunits of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae signal recognition particle required for its functional expression. EMBO J 13, 4390-400 (1994))." YPL251W questionable ORF unclassified proteins no data Yes 382 -256 No 277.1111111 exclude YPL252C similarity to adrenodoxin and ferrodoxin unclear classification lethal Yes -256 357 No 701.6666667 YPL255W cell division control protein "cell growth, division, DNA synthesis; cellular organization " lethal No 603 1111 No 131.3333333 YKR095W BBP1 3.10E-07 175 YPL266W " rRNA (adenine-N6,N6-)-dimethyltransferase" transcription; cellular organization lethal No 966 323 No 712.2222222