About the Giaever-Nislow (GGCN) Lab

ggcnlab1 Research in the GGCN lab focuses on the field of chemogenomics and early phase drug discovery research. We employ novel genomics technologies and develop biotechnology tools to address both fundamental and applied biological questions.

Our lab is located in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Building at University of British Columbia, Vancouver.

Projects in the lab are funded through grants from CIHR, NASA, NIH/NIAID, NIH/NIDCR, NIH/NIMH, and University of British Columbia.


1. Yeast in Space


Minituarized robots allow us to assess the response of thousands of yeast mutants when exposed to the space environment, including microgravity and cosmic radiation.

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2. Chemogenomic Screens in Yeast


High-throughput automated screening platforms for yeast to measure drug response prior to genonme-wide screening.

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3. Spinpods


Building spheroids from mammalian cell lines using Spinpod, an apparatus to simulate low-shear modeled microgravity, and investigate its effect on gene expression.

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4. Single-Cell based assays


Encapsulation of antibody secreting cells (ASCs) for enrichment and characterization

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The cellular response is defined by a network of chemogenomic response signatures Each circular node represents a major signature; size is proportional to confidence in the signature. Node color: dark blue if GO enriched (hypergeometric test FDR ≤ 0.1), pale blue otherwise. Node border color: green, signature represents two or more compounds of known mechanism (select compound names are shown); red, signature represents chemical-genetic probes (select HIP hits are shown, and are in bold if validation data are provided). Signatures are connected to chemical moiety nodes where signature compounds are enriched (FDR ≤ 0.1). from Science. 2014 April 11; 344(6180): 208–211.

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